Reasonable care

Beware of signs when skiing and ensure you are satisfied as to where it is safe to ski whether it is on water or at the snow this winter! In Wyong vs. Shirt (1980) a landmark High Court negligence case, Mr Shirt was an inexperienced water skier and looked...

When is a foreigner not a foreigner?

You have been acting for the Smith family for the past 10 years and have recommended several times that they put a succession plan into place in relation to their farming enterprise as Bob and Nancy are well into the 60’s. Family discussions finally started...

Loose fill insulation asbestos testing

If your home was built before the 1980’s it could be affected by hazardous loose-fill asbestos insulation. Loose-fill asbestos is raw crushed asbestos which was installed as insulation in the 1960’s and 1970s and over time hazardous airborne fibres can move...

Stamp duty and mortgage duty

On 11 May 2016 amendments were made to several NSW state revenue Acts. First Home – Owner Grant Scheme This scheme is available to first home buyers who purchase or build a new home. A new home includes a substantially renovated home. The definition of...

Stamp duty exemptions

This article was published in this month’s edition of the Law Society Journal of NSW. In 1990 David and Debbie inherited two commercial investment properties from their parents as tenants in common in equal shares. Now they want to take one each. They...