GST free supply of farmland

Your brother Harry and his wife Zoe contact you about arranging a contract for the sale of a 15 acre block. The block is part of their larger rural property on which they conduct a farming business. It is on a separate title and close to town. A good friend...

GST stings

This article was published in this month’s edition of the Law Society Journal of NSW. In the course of your busy conveyancing practice you come across many different situations. You are only too well aware of the importance of taking GST into account....

Not all farmland is GST free

Land values have taken off in your local area and clients of yours are considering selling part of their property to help fund their retirement and repay debt. Your clients owned the land before Capital Gains Tax was introduced so you know the significant...

Tax exemptions: hidden duty stings

This article was published in this month’s edition of the Law Society Journal of NSW. George and Genevieve’s accountant has made an appointment for them see you mainly in relation to their daughter Helen. Following family unhappiness, George and...