Do you have a business partner? Then you need a Partnership Agreement!
A Partnership Agreement is a contract between all the partners in a business and outlines each partner’s duties and responsibilities, governs important matters that arise from the business, procedures for making business decisions and how to resolve disputes amongst...
A Guide to Buying Commercial Premises
Buying a commercial property (such as a warehouse, office building or retail space) is more complicated than buying a residential property. There are complex contract terms, detailed planning information and additional legal and commercial implications if the premises...
How to set up a company in Australia
Embarking on a new business venture can be an exciting time. The structure you use to run your business will depend on its proposed size and activities, your family and financial circumstances and the risks involved. Getting legal advice from the start of your new...
What to do if you can’t find your trust deed
Losing a trust deed is not something anyone plans to do. Not only is a lost trust deed inconvenient it can also have serious consequences. Even if the trust is able to continue operating, without having the trust deed to reference it may be very difficult, if not...
What a Will Kit doesn’t do
There are various ‘Will Kits’ available on-line – most are cheap or ‘free’ and all you need to do is download them and fill in the blanks. Many websites boast that you can prepare your Will ‘without spending hundreds of dollars on legal fees’. Simple, right? Not...
Why you should have a corporate trustee for your Self-Managed Superannuation Fund
A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) is a type of superannuation structure that allows members to control and manage their own funds. Unlike other superannuation funds, members have autonomy over the choice of investments they can make, subject to the relevant...
Personal liability for company directors
A company is an association incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the ‘Act’). The effect of incorporation gives the company a separate entity, distinct from its directors and shareholders. It can enter into contracts, sue and be sued in its own right....
The role and responsibilities of a trustee
A trust is a vehicle through which property is legally held by a trustee for the benefit of others. It separates the beneficial and legal ownership of property. The parties to a trust are the settlor (person creating the trust), the trustee (the legal owner of trust...
Retirement Living – Life beyond bingo and bowls
Not surprisingly people talk about buying their first home as being a life changing event and it is. However, in the past it has been rare for people to talk so excitedly about moving into some form of retirement living. Given that sooner or later a lot of us are...
Employee or contractor – do you know the difference?
It's important for all businesses to have systems in place to determine whether workers should be classified as employees or independent contractors, as tax, super and other government obligations are different depending on whether the working arrangement is...